张爱阳 ,人文学院讲师,主要研究方向为第二语言习得、语言教学与教育等。曾多次获得院级及校级教学观摩奖项,并指导学生获得北京市高校英语演讲比赛三等奖、全国高校翻译大赛二等奖等奖项。作为团队主要成员,获得北京邮电大学教学成果二等奖一次。
Zhang Aiyang, a lecturer at the School of Humanities, specializes in Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching and Education. She has received multiple awards at both the college and university levels for her teaching demonstrations. Under her guidance, students have won third prize in the Beijing College English Speech Contest and second prize in the National College Translation Contest. As a key member of her team, she has also been awarded the second prize in Teaching Achievement at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.