主持或参与多项国家级、省部级和企事业单位委托项目。在国内外权威期刊Pattern Recognition Letters,《现代教育技术》《开放教育研究》等累积发表学术论文20余篇,申请国家发明专利6项,出版教材著作5部。
Liu Yong is an associate professor of Educational Technology at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, master's supervisor, and doctor of Engineering in Communication and Information Systems.
Her research interests are the intersection of information technology and education, including artificial intelligence and education, virtual reality and education, learning analysis technology, data statistics, data mining, etc.
She was awarded the “Outstanding Guidance Teacher”in the ‘iTeach’National College Student Digital Education Application Innovation Competition.In recent years, six innovation and entrepreneurship projects for graduate students at BUPT are guided.
She served as an expert in China E-Learning Technology Standardization Committee(CELTSC) and a member of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society.