穆婕:讲师,英语语言文学专业博士在读。研究方向:英语语言文学,英国研究与欧洲研究。曾就读于北京外国语大学,2014年起在北京邮电大学人文学院任教, 所教授的课程涉及大学英语听说、综合英语、思辨阅读与写作、英美文化概况等各类课型。现为英语语言文学专业在读博士。获得北京邮电大学第十五届教学观摩比赛一等奖,北京高校第十二届青年教师基本功比赛二等奖。参与外交部欧洲司、教育部国际合作司等省部级课题多项,并参与校级教改项目3项。参编教材2部。
Mu Jie is a lecturer in the School of Humanities at BUPT. She received the Bachelor and Master degree at Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2014 and then started working as an English teacher at BUPT. The courses she has taught include College English Listening and Speaking Course, Integrated Course, Critical Thinking and Reading etc. She is pursuing her doctor degree in BFSU. She has won several teaching achievements awards. Her research interests focus on British study and European Study. She has participated in a number of provincial research projects and three education reform projects of the university. She also participated to edit two textbooks.