李智远:讲师,法学博士(民族学专业),外国语言文学硕士。研究方向:英语教学二语习得 混合式学习 跨文化交际 多元文化、跨文化教育。讲授大学英语、跨文化交际、中国文化英语、研究生英语学术写作、MPA英语、人类学概论等课程。主持和作为主研人员参与省部级、校级科研和教改项目、横向项目10余项。作为主要成员获得校级教学成果二等奖。发表教改、科研论文8篇,包括1篇核心期刊论文,主编参编教材近10部,参编专著1部。
LI Zhiyuan is currently an instructor in the School of Humanities at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She received her Bachelor and Master Degree in English Language and Literature and PhD in Ethnology. She has been teaching courses like College English and Intercultural Communication Skills for undergraduates and postgraduates, China’s Culture, English Academic Writing for postgraduates, Master of Public Administration English and Anthropology.Her academic interests include EFL teaching, second-language acquisition, blended learning, intercultural communication and multicultural and intercultural education. She has published 8 journal articles. She has presided over and participated in more than 10 scientific research and teaching reform projects at national, provincial and BUPT level. She has co-authored almost 10 textbooks and 1 monograph. She was invited to deliver the presentations about intercultural education and English teaching with CRS at the academic conferences.